9 weeks ulrascan

Nancy went to see the gyna again at 9 weeks plus......cos nancy was having a difficult pregancy so need to go and get a longer MC for her to rest at home. She is practically vomiting the whole day, from morning to at night. Sometimes I see her vomit I also feel like vomiting! So basically her days at home consists of vomiting, eating, sleeping and watching tv........Sometimes she would be having headaches, stomach pain, and vomiting all at the same time!!! and as for me, my life is buying dinner for her, watching her vomit, sleep , washing the dishes, clearing the rubbish, etc......seldom go out also cos she is always not feeling well........that's why I seldom blog this month.....cos nothing to blog about......hahaha......
Anyway, I will be going for reservist tomorrow for 6 days.....It's my first ICT since I ORD in December 2000.....I was packing just now and all the army stuff seems so unfamilar.......hahaha......