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Clover's First Year Video

It has been a long time since I update my blog as I was quite busy. Clover is now 1 year and 1 month old. We held a 1st Birthday Party for her on 23rd Feburary at my parent's condo Function Room. Below is a photo of her special princess birthday cake that we bought from our neighbourhood cake shop.

She have been a very active baby from the day she was born. She sleeps very little in the day and even in the night. She is always crawling here, climbing there and tries to stay awake even though she is very tired. Her attention span is very short, nothing seems to keep her interested to sit down for a long while so we constanly have to follow her around, makng sure she doesn't fall down or knock into something.....

Clover is a happy-go-lucky baby but she also has quite a temper. When things does not go her way, she would be frustrated and may hit you to show her frustration. And she hit quite pain one ah, dun know what's inside the milk formula nowadays!! hehe...

Here are some of my favourite photos of Clover that I have taken so far....

I have uploaded more photos of Clover to my Flickr Account, Click the link below if you want to see more photos:


I have finally finished making the First Year Video of Clover. I started making the video in Feburary but then put it one side as I was busy with work and my videography.


About Me...  

[Name] Adrian Chee  

[Occupation]Network Engineer  

[D.O.B] 23rd September 1978

[Email]  ahchee@gmail.com

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