Clover has been at home for almost a week already....Clover sleeps more in the day and is awake more at night....she likes to disturb pple at night by crying her lungs out......The pattern of activity is similar to the timing when she was in her mother's womb. When clover was in nancy's womb, she is more active at night and always kicks when she is hungry every 2 hours until she is not hungry..
She also likes to smile and we found out that she has a dimple on her left side when she smiles hard enough....I am still trying to take a photo of her dimple but didn't manage to do it yet....Below are her cute moments photos...

Other than being cute, she is also quite impatient.....When she wakes up hungry, she will first start up her engine by crying softly and slowly and then will increasing volume and intensity and finally crying non-stop until she gets her milk or get a change of diapers. One second delay is also not acceptable to her....hehe.....

Her days mostly just drink milk, pass urine/motion, sleeping and crying......She is a deep sleeper, especially in the day. We also try to wake her up in the day but she doesn't buldge......Tickleing her and talking to her doesn't help, at most she only only a small portion of her eyes and then go back to sleep again...She didn't even wake up when the padetrician took some blood sample from her to test for jandice.......she just continued zzzzzzz........pain also never wake up.......She is a deep sleeper, just like me..:)

See....she sleeps so soundly like a pig.....Just like the pig beside her.......heheh.....well, she's our little piglet......